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Fashion/Lifestyle Blogger & Journalist Ana De Jesus reviews Perfect Definition - Part 1


Since I was a little girl I have been on the quest for perfect eyebrows; growing up I was bullied because I had naturally thick and unruly dark eyebrows that I was told were making me look ‘masculine’. I would be called names and peers would point and laugh at my unibrow because I was not allowed to pluck, tweeze or thread any body hair as I was told I was not old enough. When I was a child I thought nothing of my body hair, dressing up in skirts and unaware of my facial hair and how others would perceive it. It wasn’t until secondary school that I realized how ‘different’ it made me and growing up in a predominantly white school, my heritage was seen as alien and familiar.

So I discovered threading and slowly began changing who I was to fit societies beauty standards because I was afraid of being called ugly again, but more importantly because it made me feel confident. Since I started threading at the age of sixteen, I have been getting my eyebrows and lip threaded every two-three weeks to get the shape that I crave and ward away any unsightly body hair. But over time beauticians began to destroy my eyebrows and the follicles were stunted in the process. To cover up the fact I had gappy eyebrows, last year I began using powder to fill in the gaps and give off the illusion that I had thicker eyebrows than I did. As I would swipe away my makeup and leave a blank canvas I would stare at the ‘gappy mess’ that were left of my eyebrows and remember my aunties words who had warned me ‘to not mess up the natural shape of my eyebrows’.

It was becoming a game of repetition and a game I no longer liked to play. That is until one day the magic queen waved her magic wand and gave my eyebrows ‘life’ again. Meet El Truchan, a certified Permanent Makeup, Microblading, Micro-needling and Medical Tattoo Specialist trained to the highest level (Elite) by Nouveau Contour. Part of the Nouveau Beauty Group – the UK and International leading experts in Permanent Cosmetics- El was exposed to the medical industry from a young age, whose family taught El to embrace the medical profession to help others.

But El is no ‘wilting wallflower’, in person her steely determination mixed with maternal concern makes her the ideal Permanent Makeup Specialist to let loose on the unsuspecting public. One look at my eyebrows and it was game on, there was work to be done and El knew it.

First we began with the consultation where El asked me a series of questions asking why I wanted semi-permanent eyebrows, how long I had been wanting semi-permanent eyebrows for, my desired outcome and what I was expecting from the treatment.

My expectations were very simple; I desired bespoke eyebrows that were natural but dramatic enough to frame my petite face. I have to admit I made El laugh when I told her ‘under no circumstances can I have Scouser brows’ and thankfully she agreed that natural brows were best.

After showing me a portfolio of all the eyebrows she had microbladed during her career I chose a natural, slightly arched eyebrow and we began customizing my bespoke brows. For the initial template El used an eyebrow tape measure to find out how good the symmetry of my eyebrows were in relation to the rest of my face and found the top part to be aligned perfectly.

The bottom of my eyebrows was another story and its damaged follicles would be a task in itself. Using an eyeliner pencil El began creating the ‘eyebrow frame’ to give me an idea of how my ideal ‘eyebrow shape’ would translate on my face, before showing me the mirror. At first I had asked for the arches to go into square features but believed it looked too big for my petite face so El used a microbrush to blur the square corners and tease them into a medium sized hybrid square, rounded corner that suited my features more.

Once the frame or the ‘house foundations’ (as El teasingly called them) were built the pigmentation on my forehead and eyebrows were swabbed off and I was asked to move onto the bed where the treatment began.

Every few minutes El would make sure I could manage the discomfort and although it burned slightly the sensation was manageable. Once the pigmentation had soaked into the right eyebrow El moved onto the left eyebrow which El warned me might be a bit more painful because there are more nerve endings and she was right. It was less comfortable working on the left eyebrow but El was as gentle as possible to make sure I was ok.

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